March 29,2020

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Welcome friends to our Meeting Afterthoughts blog. We will be meeting virtually / digitally from our homes and computers from 10 am to 11 am. At the rise of meeting, 11 am, we typically ask for any afterthoughts. If you feel moved to share an afterthought, please login and leave a reply to this blog post. We accept replies from 11 am to 12 pm.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Janet Nicholson

    Dear Friends,
    We had our second Zoom meeting for worship with 11 attending and others held close.

    I shared that during the week the idea of the biblical Jubilee Year has been coming to me. It is celebrated every 50 years (after 7 x 7 year sabbatical cycle). Leviticus 25: You shall make the 50th year holy and proclaim liberty throughout the land…and each of you shall return to your family..”

    Rest is important in natural cycles, for farm fields, and it is important to our wellbeing, a coming home, offering and receiving forgiveness and restoration…

    During this time of restricted movement and work closures, where for many of us our busy lives have been drastically altered, perhaps we are being offered a time to be re-membered to our home, our families, our neighbors – near and far, and to ourselves as part of a holy communion.

    Mary Chapin Carpenter has a song titled, Jubilee. The final verses are :

    And I can tell by the way you’re standing
    With your eyes filling with tears
    That it’s habit alone that keeps you turning for home
    Even though your home is right here
    Where the people who love you are gathered
    Under the wise wishing tree
    May we all be considered then straight on delivered
    Down to the jubilee
    Because the people who love you are waiting
    And they’ll wait just as long as need be
    When we look back and say those were halcyon days
    We’re talking about jubilee

    Are we being invited to come home?

  2. Janet Nicholson

    Having read several updates from New York City and the struggles the medical system is having, I know that for tens of thousands of people this is an exhausting and frightening time. They are held in my prayers and thoughts especially as I gain strength from my worshipping community.

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