Prayer Blanket Ministry

The Prayer Blanket Ministry of Media Friends Meeting gathers on the fourth Sunday of the month to worship in community and to create prayer blankets together. With each stitch on the needle and loop on the hook, the maker prays for the person who will receive the blanket, and, in turn, the maker feels blessed to be able to extend love and caring, even if they don’t know the recipient. We attach a prayer to every blanket, hoping that the recipient might feel joy, comfort, and healing through the words of the prayer while wrapped in the warmth of the blanket.

Our group has knitted and crocheted prayer blankets to celebrate life transitions like marriages and births. We also create blankets to provide comfort for people who are suffering from an illness, grieving the loss of a loved one, or experiencing some worry and concern in their lives. We have sent healing lap blankets to a local hospital’s hospice program. During the holiday season, the Ministry distributes knitted and crocheted scarves and hats to people in our community in need of warmth during the winter months.


For the blankets, we collect knitted and crocheted 12” squares, in any color of medium weight machine-washable and machine-dryable acrylic yarn, which are then assembled into lap blankets. We need 12 to 20 squares for a blanket, depending on the need of the person receiving it.




Please join the Prayer Blanket Ministry on the fourth Sunday of the month from 12:00 to 2:00 PM in the Social Room of the Media Friends Meetinghouse, following a potluck meal from 11:30 AM to 12:00 noon. To join via Zoom, see the Zoom log-in information on the Media Friends Meeting website at