Media Friends Meeting

125 W 3rd St, Media PA 19063     Phone (484)  318  5022

Worship 10 – 11 am Sundays

All are welcome to attend Media Friends Meeting any Sunday. In our meetings, Friends gather for a period of silent worship during which those moved to speak on matters spiritual are free to do so. Meeting lasts about an hour.  

We are offering Meeting for Worship via this Zoom link (Click here) on the internet.




Welcome to Media Friends Meeting

Cultivate an open heart and vibrant spirit

Dear Media Meeting F/friends, 

We offer both safe, in-person worship and the option to attend remotely. We invite members at a distance, and those with health concerns, to join us for worship, and other scheduled programs, via our Zoom link on the internet. 

Also, we offer  an opportunity for all to share in the pastoral care of our community and deepen our connection, drawing strength from the Divine.

In Faith,
Media Meeting Committee Clerks


We hold a regular Meeting for Business on the first Sunday of the month, September through June, unless otherwise announced (and usually posted on the Calendar). Meeting for Business follows Meeting for Worship at about 11:30 AM.

Quaker Religious Education (QRE) – formerly called Children’s Program – provides inter generational lessons monthly usually on the 2nd Sundays 11:30am-12:30pm over Zoom (Click here). For the health and safety of our community, all QRE events are currently virtual.  The QRE Committee continues to Hold in the Light the safety and spiritual needs of all adults and children that come to our meeting.  Please tap the calendar tab at the top of this home page for details.

Please contact us if you have questions at:  or ‭(484) 480-8530‬


Teach your children well...

Children's Program / First Day School / Quaker-centered Religious Education

All children and youth can join the community in silent worship. Following the Children’s Program/First Day School the children typically join with the rest of the Meeting for the last 5-15 minutes of Meeting for Worship. Children’s Program/First Day School is a spiritual community for youth within the larger spiritual community of our Meeting. All are welcome. Our program teaches Quaker values from our faith & practice, stories from the Bible and other religious texts, and service to the community. Our curriculum includes storytelling, children’s books, craft making, community service projects and intergenerational activities. 

Childcare, for children too young to focus, is available by a qualified babysitter during Meeting for Worship and Business Meeting.

Contact SueLynne Ganbari or Susan Garrison, co clerks of QRE, with questions:
SueLynne 610-529-5821
Susan 610-357-8939

First Day School meets at Media Monthly Meeting located at 125 West 3rd Street in Media behind the Courthouse. 


“Begin your journey to a better life with peace, love, and joy”

First Day Gallery

Would you like time to breathe?

Worship with Us

Please check out our calendar for upcoming events

We seek the inner light with us


125 W 3rd St, Media PA 19063-2498
United States of America.


(484) 318-5022

Email Address

Meeting Hours

Sunday 10am to 11am